Thoughts on Media, Objectification and Eating Disorders.
When I was younger I was a fat kid. Not the chubby cute kind but the kind other kids laughed at, and didn't talk to, and even threw sand in their face. I had a tall heavy frame accentuated by my grandmother's love of spoiling me with candy and chocolate. I liked food. I liked food a lot. It wasn't until 6th grade that my body image took a toll on me. I was in middle school and I wanted nice clothes and maybe even a boyfriend. So I did the only thing I could. I stopped eating, I had my parents drive me to the gym most days, I even took diet pills. I went from a Size 16 to a size 8; from 210 lbs to 147 lbs. in less then a year. The kids in school loved looking at me. Those who I haven't seen in a while congratulated me on my new appearance and my fashionable clothes. But they didn't know that I was always hungry. They didn't know I would crack and binge eat then force myself to throw it up in the toilet....